Fishing planet long caster challenge
Fishing planet long caster challenge

fishing planet long caster challenge

There are perhaps other ways to complete relatively quickly but I tried everything I could think of and failed miserably each time. I already wrote most of the tutorial, just need to add\check few things because stuff needs to be REALLY specific for it to work in that high percentage. there is a way to complete this challenge with about 80%+ success rate. That is why this challenge is hard, time consuming, frustrating and all the other things that make you trigger.īut as with all things, if you invest enough time and dedication (obsession). You can catch 29 fish (counter = 29/30) and if 30th escapes, counter will reset to 0. So what is happening in this scenario? Well it is you against hard RNG odds (30 fish in a row without violating 2 points from above). Even with best plans (fish, hook size, etc) you will fail eventually on the road to 30. there was not even a ding on bobber and even didnt see a lure being hit = counter is being reset to 0. Fish has spawned, did NOT touch your bait\lure and left you heard a ding on bobber or saw lure being hit but not taken = counter is being reset to 0.Ģ. Fish has spawned, touched your bait\lure and left. As you said you had many fish "in a row" but counter got reset. If you catch 30 fish in a row, that does NOT mean success. If you catch for example 5 fish and counter says 5/30 you CAN leave the lake\game and counter will not reset. Snags (catched underwater items) will not reset the counter (this was changed, as in the past it would). You can pull the tackle out of the water and counter will NOT reset (it will reset if fish has spawned, but if you just missed the cast, quick reel back will not reset it) You can use any tackle you want, you can use as many rods you want. You can catch any fish or mix of fish, it doesn't matter, counter respects each one. Lets explain.īut there is more to this sentence that is not in the description of the challenge. But not because it is that hard, it is because of other factors. With the current mechanics this is probably the hardest challenge.

Fishing planet long caster challenge